Saturday, August 21, 2010


The only thing we can ever be sure of is change. Time marches on and waits for no one. It seems, as soon as I begin to feel contented and happy with the way my life is going, the trials descend like locusts and the battle in my soul begins again. I know the testing of ones faith produces perseverance and patience and wisdom, but it is also painful. To be continually on the potters wheel being pounded and molded into what He wants me to be,can be exhausting at times. But that is the way of things and I must embrace it with all my heart, pain and all. If I want to grow nearer to God then I must expect hardship. After all Christ himself suffered unimaginable pain on my behalf, even unto death. The least I can do is suffer the loss of my own selfish wants. So I must empty myself of myself. Broken and weak I surrender all my hopes and dreams to my Lord.

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