Blessed are the flexible for they shall be stretched.” This quote always makes me laugh, mostly because I’ve found it to be so true. Thank goodness we have a God who has prepared us for everything. The trick though is to let him have the control. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2Corin.12:9)
Most of us have seen pictures and heard stories of missionaries feeding the hungry, tending the sick, praying with lost souls, and overcoming all sorts of odds to bring God’s word to the lost in the remote parts of the world. But we rarely hear about the day to day struggles.
The occupations of those who have ben called to “ministry” can seem so high above the common believer.
This however, is in no way the case. All believers have been called to the ministry of Christ (Matt. 28:16-20). No calling is higher or lower than another for we are all members of one body (1Corin. 12:12-30) and called to God’s purpose.
One of the biggest things I’ve learned since I’ve been in Brazil is that life as a missionary is pretty much the same as the life of any believer anywhere in the world. Sure there are cultural differences and different climate issues to deal with, but humans are humans no matter where they are from; so the issues that arise when working with them are pretty much the same. There are still dishes to be done every day, children to raise, meals to cook, relationship drama to deal with, and church politics to overcome.
I thought I’d come to the Amazon and do nothing but Bible studies and tending to the poor and needy. What a surprise it was to me when God asked me to tech art lessons, play ball tag, take kids swimming, teach Scottish Country dances, gut fish, and do girls hair. How could any of those things be considered ministry? Then I saw it, Christ has called us to be his light and love in this dark depraved world. Any opportunity to interact with people is and opportunity to show His love. Living for Him is a 24/7 occupation that goes far beyond Sunday services and mid week Bible studies. We should be doing all things as unto Christ whether its taking care of a sick pet or lifting up a broken spirit (Ephe. 2:10).
God calls all believers to the same standard whether you live in the Amazon or in Cottonwood CA. Life with Christ is an adventure no matter where He’s placed you.
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. (Phil. 1:27)
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